The ‘soma’ is a term used to describe the human organism in its wholeness, widening the narrative around ‘body’ to include the imagination, sensations, emotions, thoughts, and its environment. The deliberate use of ‘soma’ is to begin to address one of the fundamental schisms in our present-day existence: the body from the mind. Integrating the many sheaths is a revolutionary and evolutionary act towards a state of being that beckons wholeness and self-actualization.
body - speak - observe
The compasses of body, speak, and observe stand as entry points to integration: data from the body emerges, sensory experience is articulated through speaking, and in disciplined silence (observation), clarity and coalescence arise. Knowing is the beginning of integration.
Nine-tenths of education is encouragement.
-Anatole France
As an educator, my purpose is to encourage a return to a body of truth that is unwavering and authentic. When embarking on a journey of learning and self-discovery, courage is the deep knowing that there is light and familiarity even in the dark, unknown parts of the journey. Re-establishing a relationship with our energetic signature, which is the most pure part of our self (as energy is the least conditioned aspect of our being), means returning to our essence before it was interrupted. My goal and vision is but one focus: to offer and disseminate life-affirming education. The kind of education that exists in healthy, thriving communities. The kind that empowers, builds confidence, and reminds one of their necessary role and value in this earthly journey. The kind that teaches one how to think rather than what. The kind that promotes excitement and curiosity. The kind of education we all recognize we needed as youths in the academic system.
The kind of education that reinforces the beauty and profundities of being human.