you are welcome here.


Justice is a foundational tenet in my life. I’ve recognized through my own lived experiences that a lack of access directly impacts one’s procurement of resources, which leads to states of powerlessness and helplessness. In this loss of our autonomy, the right to choose, to exist, to experience joy and pleasure, to take up space, and to ‘be’ begins to slip through our fingers. These losses generate a mental and emotional state, characterized by sensations of immobilization and biological freeze. And as the expression goes, story follows state. The story that follows is colored with doubts of worthiness, being enough, being of value, how we contribute in the world, and whether we are deserving of a full human experience. Our vibrancy, vibration, and vitality begin to diminish.

How do we change our state? In the words of Jaiya John, we have to recognize that “freedom is a choice before it is a condition.” Justice is about reclaiming and stepping into your power, so that in a system that tells us that only certain individuals are deserving and worthy of safety, belonging, and dignity, you speaking and walking in your truth and power becomes a beacon, a lighthouse, for those yearning for inspiration and direction.


“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.”

— Alice Walker


“I am a person through other people. My humanity is tied to yours.”

— Zulu Proverb called ‘Ubuntu’

“Everyone is familiar with the slogan "The personal is political" -- not only that what we experience on a personal level has profound political implications, but that our interior lives, our emotional lives are very much informed by ideology. We oftentimes do the work of the state in and through our interior lives. What we often assume belongs most intimately to ourselves and to our emotional life has been produced elsewhere and has been recruited to do the work of racism and repression.”

— Angela Davis


Resources include services that augment your well-being (e.g., therapy, coaching, fitness membership, artistic expression, community groups) and access reflects the currency exchange these resources require (e.g., money, energy, time, commitment). Single session service is valued at US$200 and tiers support a range of access.



“developing rapidly and successfully; thriving”

You’re actively in relationship with the resources that allow you to flourish and have access to explore these resources sustainably.

This tier pays a range of $150 - $200.



“promising or healthy development”

You value the resources that allow you to blossom but only circumstantially have access to these resources.

This tier pays a range of $100 - $150.



“becoming larger as part of the process of growth”

You’re tapping into the capacity to access resources fundamental to your growth, but still recognize dissonance between income and expenses.

This tier pays a range of $50 - $100.



“give new energy or vigor to; restorative”

You’re experiencing a notable lack in resources and access, and know you need to invest in your well-being as a means of restoration.

I ask this tier to contact me directly to discuss what is accessible and sustainable.


Black Men’s Wellness Initiative


“And so for my Black body to be born into a society by which the white body is the standard is, in and of itself, traumatizing.”

- Resmaa Menakem

As children of patriarchy, we have all been impacted by the domination and inequity that this particular system socializes us in. As black men occupying places of privilege via biology and equally existing in an oppressed body via skin complexion, has what W.E. DuBois calls, ‘double consciousness’ reverberations. In an effort to liberate all beings, moving away from white-body supremacy and patriarchy starts with recognizing how limiting and destructive dominating behavior is to others and one’s self.

The emphasis of this initiative is to offer four (4) free Somatic Attunement Coaching + Bodywork sessions to black men on the ever-expanding continuum of life, from different ages, professions, economic status, geography, culture, and lived experiences, to address the ways, as bell hooks states it, “sexist socialization denies men access to their emotional and spiritual growth.”

Your health, wellness, growth, and self-actualization matters to me.


“The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves.”

- bell hooks