The Signs of Attunement

How will you know you are walking the path of attunement and self-actualization?

There is no final destination when it comes to self-actualization and attunement. The journey concludes when you transition from this human experience. Until then, you are simply committing to walking the path of your human experience with curiosity, patience, and trust. There are a few remarkable changes that will occur:

1) you find yourself moving out of reactivity: you have enough mental and emotional bandwidth, time, and space to make conscious choices in real time, and even under pressure

2) you develop a felt sense of equanimity towards life’s unexpected events:

  • you no longer live in the binary of good/bad experiences, as dichotomized thinking breeds suffering; you recognize all experiences are essential to your growth and life and you begin to shift your attention to promoting actions and behaviors that are life-affirming and therefore pro-human, rather than anti-human and anti-social behaviors.

  • you undergo the process of alchemy where you can see many possibilities in situations that seem ‘unfavorable’

  • you develop an endurance, which is focused on being able to remain committed over time, for experiencing all life’s outcomes, trusting in something Higher and knowing no experience or condition lasts forever

3) there’s a generalized feeling of acceptance and contentment with your life

  • this concept is steeped in gratitude: your life will contain devastation and loss, but it will also contain richness and abundance and learning how to keep a centered presence during all of it allows for a global contentment for what is/remains after transition and loss

  • there’s a realization that life is indeed not fair and suffering or conflict will indefinitely exist; when this truth really sinks in, you will feel a conscious choosing to stay connected to a balanced state so you can not only be a resource for your self, but also for others to achieve a similar experience of freedom

4) you are fueled and inspired by a clear, conscious relationship to Purpose

  • purpose changes throughout our lives as we change and there is no single purpose for multi-faceted, multi-dimensional beings like ourselves

  • being in conscious relationship to Purpose means you actively consult your life force/spirit/God along the way to remain honest and integrity with how you show up in the world

  • you are willing to rediscover yourself over and over again, with no fear of social critique or scarcity around possibility

  • you do things, regardless of their nature, with your whole heart

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