Arm Variations

This class explores different arm positions encountered in the practice. These arm variations include:

  • Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hands Pose)

  • Urdhva Baddhanguliyasansa (Upward Bound Fingers Pose)

  • Gomukhasana Arms (Cow Face Pose - Arms)

  • Garudasana Arms (Eagle Pose - Arms)

  • Paschima Baddhanguliyasana (West (or Behind) Bound Fingers Pose)

Practice these arm variations any time of day, anywhere! As you increase blood circulation and synovial fluid to the glenohumeral joint (where your arm (humerus) meets your shoulder socket (glenoid)), the access to your chest, side body, and back body becomes sharper and more differentiated. These arm variations teach proper extension of the elbows, how to use the arms to weight-bear efficiently, and a clarified relationship between arms and torso.

Movement starts at 2:40.

Reach out with any questions! -aa