Frontal/Coronal Standing Postures
In any movement, there are 3 planes: Sagittal (left/right), Coronal (front/back), and Transverse (Rotation).
This class focuses on the coronal plane of movement, also referred to as frontal postures. The primary sensations of these postures are the front leg hip pulling back and the back leg hip coming forward via the back leg rolling forward and in. These postures include:
Vimanasana (Airplane Pose)
Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1 Pose)
Parsvottanasana (Intense Stretch of the Side)
This class also explores Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Foot Intense Stretch). Prasarita Padottanasana is a posture used to widen the back of the thigh and glutes, allowing space for a deep forward fold, length in the back, and an energy of restoration, with the heart over the head.
Take this practice at least once a day to bring circulation to the pelvis (hips), inner thighs, groins, outer thighs, entire leg system, and sides of the body.
Movements starts at 1:20.
Reach out with any questions! - aa